Today's relationships between men and women is as weak as ever. Men have the general idea that every woman is she's a money hungry bitch or a hoe. On the flip side women view of men is that's we are all dogs and can never be trusted. It saddens me that this is the case cause I can remember when this wasn't even remotely the case. The funny thing about all of it is the fingers get pointed as for who's fault it is. For me I'm neutral, it's almost a chicken vs egg situation. Dare I dig in a little? Come on you know I'm going to.
My only way to do this is to compare the old to the new. When a young Tony was growing up men cheated on women a lil less than today. The difference was women would stomach it for the sake of the kids, for the state of family. Salomon had a gang of wives and I'm sure that was a passed down tradition before him. Does it make it OK? Not all, but I said that to say this... It's in a males nature to have a healthy appetite for women. For a while women evolved to counter that appetite by being every woman to her mate. What I feel is that is women started to attach themselves to male traits in the quest to be treated equal. Women lost the interest to be superwoman. Women stopped sweeping dad's cheating under the rug cause shes too busy in her quest of equality. Mom also is seeking what daddy stopped giving her at home as well. What takes place is little man sees his daddy getting it all over town so he assumes that's the OK thing to do. Not only that lil momma see daddy doing his thang also the music that's promoting cheating and sees that as the way to live. Niggas then become "not shit". Lil misses you're right we aren't but who's fault is that though? My thing is this the tit for tat has created a wall between the sexes. Men don't wanna do better cause the attitude of the new school woman. Women don't want to give a dog a chance to learn tricks cause she doesn't want to be bitten. We are at a impasse how can it be fixed? I have no idea. We both are the problem not just men, not just women. We've lost so much value in one another it's sickening. Our value to each other is "niggas aint shit" and "money over bitches". All I can say is wow. For me it defeats the purpose we might as well be like other animals and just have sex for pro creation purposes only. With both of us having our own problems I ask women "Why do you hate me?" when we both are as guilty? Or is my perception skewed?
things wont change. nothing really matters anymore. everyone KEEPS talking about this SAME subject and doing NOTHING different. im just gonna take the slick route and stay single forever :) BOW!
Posted on August 11, 2009 at 6:32 PM
things wont change. nothing really matters anymore. everyone KEEPS talking about this SAME subject and doing NOTHING different. im just gonna take the slick route and stay single forever :) BOW!
Posted on August 13, 2011 at 12:33 PM
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